Please read and understand the following terms and conditions as they are binding for all ticket purchases:

1. You have expressly agreed to participate, join, enter, use, play and/or access to Puzzle Break Newton’s Escape Room Games at your sole risk.

2. All personal belongings and/or property, shall be kept by you at your sole risk.

3. You shall not be allowed to record, capture or snap any photograph, video, film, tape, audio recording whatsoever before, during and after the Escape Room Games, except with the explicit permission of Puzzle Break Newton.

4. You undertake not to carry or bring any dangerous, harmful or hazardous object into the Site including but not limited to sharp object, explosive items, weapon or item deemed to be dangerous or harmful to other visitors on the Site.

5. You grant Puzzle Break Newton the ability to use all players likeness' in a photograph, video, or other digital media in any and all of its publications, including web-based publications, without payment or other consideration. You understand and agree that all photos will become the property of Puzzle Break Newton. With your consent, Puzzle Break Newton will take a photo of your team after the game and post the photo on our website, Facebook and/or other social media platforms. If for any reason, you wish not to have your photograph taken or posted, please do let a Puzzle Break representative know and such request will be honored.

6. Puzzle Break Newton collects and stores your personal details without disclosing it to any 3rd party and is dedicated to ensuring that the privacy of your personal information is protected. Puzzle Break Newton may contact you from time to time with offers and promotions via email or phone.

7. Puzzle Break Newton is entitled to charge the guests for any damage, which is intentional or caused by misuse of items.